How to exchange Euro coins
Step by step guide on how to exchange Euro coins
1. Package up your Euro coins for exchange
2. Euro coins are collected by secure courier
3. Instant payment is made by bank transfer in under 24 hours
Contact us today to get started.
You’ll notice a big difference when you contact us. It’s called good old-fashioned customer service. We’re driven by you – and we work hard to provide you with the best possible service and the guaranteed BEST exchange rates when you exchange Euro coins with us. This is why we are trusted by individuals, schools, hospitals, businesses, charities and banks.
Why not check the customer comments to see what people are saying about us and our Euro coin exchange services.
We provide a lightening fast service with industry beating payment times, which means you get payment for your unwanted Euro coins in super-fast time. We promise to give you the best exchange rates for your Euro coins and we even back this up with our 100% satisfaction guarantee.
How to send us Euro coins
Getting your leftover Euro coins to us could not be easier – we offer three simple ways.
If your coins weigh more than 10 kg then we will collect them for FREE. We use a tracked and secure national courier service for your piece of mind.
If you have between 5kg and 10kg of coins then we offer a convenient and secure local drop-off service. Simply punch in your postcode to find the closest one to you.
If you have less than 5kg of Euro or foreign coins then we offer a subsidised local drop-off service. This offers a low cost, secure and convenient way to get your coins to us. Put your postcode into the finder to see which drop-off point is closest to you.
The easiest way to exchange Euro coins
Our service to you is beautifully simple, fast and efficient. It really is the no hassle way to exchange Euro coins. In fact we’ll change any foreign coins and banknotes. We’ll even accept old British, Irish and pre-decimal coins – so you can at last get value from that old leftover currency.
If you are a school, hospital, business or charity, and you want to exchange Euro coins as a means of fundraising, then you’ll be glad to know we have a specialist team on hand to help you.
We’ve helped loads of people like you successfully fundraise thousands of pounds by organising a foreign coin collection. We offer help, advice as well as hints, tips and resources to make your fundraising a huge success. Contact us today and let us help you start your collection.
These are just a few reasons why we are the trusted Euro coin exchange service. Why not get started right now and convert those unwanted foreign coins into cash today.
If you’d like to check out our fun Euro coin video channel on YouTube then click here
Send your coins to us now