Swap Euro coins for Sterling today!
You may have been wondering how you can swap Euro coins for Sterling and make the most of your unwanted foreign currency that you have perhaps accumulated over the years. As you may have found banks will not exchange these loose coins due to the high costs they incur in repatriating the money, so why not try our Euro coin exchange service? We are trusted by a wide range of private individuals, charities, hospitals, schools and businesses to swap Euro coins for Sterling. This is why we are the most recommended Euro coin exchange brand in the UK.
With so many Euro coins in circulation it’s no surprise that most people have got a stash of them somewhere! Why not make good use of those Euro and change them for Pounds today?
When you use us to swap Euro coins for Sterling and any other currency you have you will experience a highly professional and prompt service. Our team of experts are always on hand to answer questions and help out with ideas for effective collecting, fundraising and organising collections whether for personal, company or charitable use. In particular we help charities and fundraisers leverage valuable funds for their causes with foreign coin collections.
When you have collected together your currency you simply send your coins to us where they will be counted and sorted. We will then make you an offer and if you accept, the money will be promptly transferred to your bank account, alternatively we can pay you via Paypal or cheque. In the event that you don’t accept our offer we’ll return your coins FREE of charge – this is our 100% satisfaction guarantee.
Please note that for certain weights we’ll collect your coins FREE of charge – please see ‘How to send us coins‘ for more information.
So if you would like to swap Euro coins for Sterling or any other currency, contact us today for further information on how you can earn money from you unwanted coins.
Send your coins to us now