Exchange leftover Euro coins for cash
If you want to know how to change leftover Euro coins then you’ve come to the right place! We are the trusted brand for the exchange of Euro coins and leftover foreign coins back into Sterling (or any other currency for that matter). This is why we are the first choice for charities and fundraisers, schools and clubs, hospitals and healthcare organisations, businesses and corporations as well as private individuals.
When you use our service you’ll always get a fast and hassle free way to change those pesky coins. You know, the ones that always seem to make it home after your hols even though you did your best to spend them at the airport! We offer the best rates for the exchange of Euro coins and provide you with a 100% satisfaction guarantee that means if you’re not happy with our valuation then we’ll return your Euro coins at our expense.
Our payment to you is also super-fast. Once we have confirmation of acceptance the money is usually in your bank in under 2 hours. Now that is fast!
If you are a charity, school or club and you’re thunking how to change leftover Euro coins and want a very easy way to raise funds then we can help you organise a Euro coin collection. And because people generally don’t mind giving away Euro coins (as they are pretty much worthless to them) then you can end up with a significant collection of them. We then convert these into your chosen currency (usually Sterling) which means that you get a great big lump of cash for your cause.
If you’re a business and you either take Euros willingly or inadvertently then again we can help. We provide a secure and fast way for you to convert those Euro coins into Sterling. This may be to help cashflow and revenue or maybe a way to raise money for your company’s charity.
As you can image the question how to change leftover Euro coins has been asked a lot – and only now is there an answer. Contact us for more info or send us your coins – it’s easy and simple.
Send your coins to us now